
Fantasy of being weighed.

How about a scale that makes a loud knocking sound like a pinball machine every time you hit a new personal best.

And your mean feeder bf/gf only makes love with you when (s)he hears that knock...
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

weighting4u wrote:
Pinball sounds are not much of a turn on. Not for me anyway.

Okay, but how about the conditional lovemaking part?
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Oh those are both some nice fantasies ^^

Although i like the first a little more

i think those old scales are funnier to weight cause the needle is going for a nd back and hehe it´s like still you can hope oh i haven´t gained so much only to be shocked a little seeing the needle stayig in at more that you thought ^^

And i would love to measure and weight you hihi and maybe even tease you a little here and there until you decide to make the smae things to me hoping for some accidental weight gain on my belly to get a little back n me ^^

2 very sexy fantasies indeed ^^
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

weighting4u wrote:
I guess part of my fantasy involves someone wanting to get me back in shape, like a trainer. And part of it is someone who wants to make me fat and lazy. That's why the idea of gaining and then losing with a partner appeals to me. Challenging ourselves to let ourselves go for a few months and then trying to lose all the weight so we can do it all again. I think the transformation from fit to overweight is really exciting to see.

Yeah yeah exactly that!!!

That would be very sexy i like this kind of challenge indeed and having a partner in this sexy endeavor ^^ would just be the sexiest thing happening somehow to overtalk the other gaining more and having then enough pudge to tease your partner badly and play with each others strong will maybe a bit mhmmmmmmmmmm....^^:-)
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Oh I would definately sign up for beeing your personal trainer then hehe and pinch adn tease you for getting chubby during my fitness regimen for you little fatty ^^.

How could you gain even more chubb grabing those soft plush lovehandles developping on your sides ;- grinning evilly aND making new measurements to see the damage ^^ :

i REALLY CAN´T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU GIRLS JUST GAIN SO EASILY AND GET CHUBBY TSTS poking and pinching your belly rolls ^^ i wonder if it would be better i follow you every day and eat what you eat and see for myself how this can be happening to you ;-)

and prove to you that it´s not hard to losse a few gained pounds after aybe gaining due to your eating habits i would try for a while ^^......
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

hehe nothing more sexy then a girl in underwear standing on a scale maybe having to bend down (what is not so easily anymore with this new accumulated rollof pudge when trying to bend down)

and looking in mock surprise or a little real shock and at the same time having this how wet feeling between her thighs enoying it the sme time ;-)
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

Here's another thought. What if the doctor actually got turned on by how much weight you've gained?[/quote]

Oh well ^^ that would be more than hot haha

Realizing this female doc likes it and then go there more often , too shock or impress this sexy female doctor even maybe she tells me she is worried and makes me do some exercises to compare to later in the next meeting :-) and even measurements oh that would be hot a smart girl or female trying to give you false tipps on how to eat cause she sees you want to get chubbier and doctors are all for pleasing the patient wasn´t it like that ? ;-)
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

One of my favorite cartoons:
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

hehe nicely drawn ^^
10 years

Fantasy of being weighed.

crescit_eundo81 wrote:
Awesome drawing, really liked it smiley Is there anymore of these drawings?

The "Cartoon of the Day" on my site changes periodically, rotating among about 50 cartoons.
10 years
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